By Alright. - 24/09/2012 08:15 - United States - Missoula

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me because he says, "There's too much of an age gap between us" and that it makes him "feel like a pedophile". He's only four months older than I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 161
You deserved it 2 093

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is he a year old and you're eight months old? After that, the 4 month age difference should be acceptable.

Sunako_fml 9

Terrible excuse. You deserve someone better!


expertsmilee 26

Comment moderated for rule-breaking.

Show it anyway

Sarcasm? Because I'm pretty sure that he is...

expertsmilee 26

No 16, not sarcasm at aaaaaaaall

25- what do you mean? That was OBVIOUSLY sarcasm.

Clearly he just wanted an excuse to break up. Turns out the excuse was pathetic and unreasonable!

SenselessPattern 12

I haven't finished inventing my sarcasm font yet, just hang on people, give me three more sun cycles and I should have it done.

Sunako_fml 9

Terrible excuse. You deserve someone better!

Terrible excuse yes, but for all we know she doesn't deserve better. He could have just used that terrible excuse because she was a bitch etc. Not saying that is the case, just keeping an open mind :)

Keep an open mind to OP being a bitch. Although that's a perfectly proper use of the phrase, I've always seen it used in a more positive manner.

If there was something "wrong" with OPs behavior or attitude in their relationship, then he should have said that. It's hard, but in the end it will benefit him because he left her and is done with it. It will also benefit her (if she chooses) because she would be able to work on that aspect of her for her next relationship. My ex did that with me and if he didn't I probably wouldn't have changed myself for the better and be in the awesome relationship I am currently in.

So, what we can all agree on, is that OP's ex is either a moron or a wimp.

That's the problem with people today everyone always looks for a excuse to get out things because its a lot easier to come up with a stupid excuse apparently than it is to just tell the truth and level with people. Most of the time it's the people that are doing something wrong that make up childish excuses to get out of it rather than telling the truth because they don't want to labeled a "bad" person, as harsh as the truth can be people just need to learn to start telling it because you can give excuse after excuse but eventually they will hear the truth from another person or find out the real reason and then you will be labeled a "idiot" "liar" and a "bad" person.

I know! I'm older than my boyfriend by 5 months

It's kinda ironic cause you seem way more mature than him

You got that from a couple of sentences? Also, I'm not sure that you grasp the concept of what irony is.

torbey: I don't think YOU know what irony is, because they used it in the correct context. It's ironic because he's older, and because of this you would feel he is more mature than her. However, she is more mature, despite being younger. Ergo, it is ironic. Get it now? Or shall I dumb it down further?

Actually Manin, although that is ever so slightly ironic, the truly ironic part that the above poster was referencing was probably the fact that OP's boyfriend is dumping OP because he thinks she's too young for him, which is an immature thing to say in this case.

You assumed she's mature from an fml post?

Solomon, that's exactly what ManIn said. Different words but it was obvious what was meant, just like it was actually obvious the first time.

Actually now that I contemplate it, you're right, they are basically synonymous. I was just adding the fact that the OP was being immaturely dumped for allegedly being immature.

Is he a year old and you're eight months old? After that, the 4 month age difference should be acceptable.

And here is the Winner of the dumbest dumping excuse of the year

Stay tuned to see dumbest poster award given to... 36!

Can anyone explain me why my comment was buried? I just said that the guy pulled the dumbest excuse ever to dump someone, nothing different from many posts there...

98 you just answered your own question. NOTHING different from any other posts aka bring something new to the table or don't reply.

longchow 8

Also, your post was thumbed down because it was files as a reply to a comment while having absolutely little to do with their comment at all. Being unoriginal AND unrelevant at the same time will do that...

Wow! One does have a stick up one’s arse, doesn’t one? ;-) Who cares where I posted the thing? It’s not exactly a serious forum, it’s for fun. Besides, if you did thumb down ALL posts that say the same thing, there would not be much left there to read.

Wow, what a lame excuse. If he's not even able to break up with someone without resorting to bullshit like that, he's the child here.

I think he was using that as an excuse. Something else is the real reason.

feldco1 17

I wonder what made you think that

Think what? I was just thinking that the guy had a hidden agenda.

flockz 19
ArielTheMermaid 17

7 has blown my mind with their brilliance

jetty254567 0

I think we are all aware of that.

perdix 29

If you're a month old and he's five months old, yeah, that would be weird. Otherwise, he's bangin' someone else.

Mister_Triangle 21

He could have just turned 18 while OP is only 17 and 8 months. Technically, while not a pedophile, it would still be illegal (depending on what they do)

hate to break your "expert advice" but in Montana legal age of consent is 16 so unless the male is 16 and the OP is 15 you are wrong.

I think that he sounds more like a child than you.

He was looking for any excuse. I assure you it had nothing to do with your age and EVERYTHING to do with his lack of balls. If that's the best excuse he can come up with, he isn't worth a second thought. Move on with your life, and be happy he's no longer in it.

Or his balls haven't dropped yet. It causes extreme cases of immaturity, and loose pants.

skyeyez9 24

Maybe he is being paranoid cause you're 17 and he is 18? I have heard of asshole parents reporting on their daughter's 18yr old bf and he gets sent to prison for dating an underage minor. Even though imo a 17 and 18yr old dating isnt a big deal.

perdix 29

Some states have a "Romeo and Juliet" rule where if their age difference is 2-4 years, it doesn't matter if one is just above the legal age the other is just below.

Also, the age of consent is 16 or 17 in a lot of places. In the media it's 18 in like 99% of shows. And, probably not coincidentally, California.

I know in Texas it's legal to date if you are close together in age and one is over 18 and the other isn't. You just have to have your parents permission and can't have sex.

I was dating a guy two years older than me, not a big deal seeing as how we were both in highschool and I was turning 16, yet a cop still lectured my bf on the laws against having sex with a minor. We were both virgins. *awkward* Afterwards my bf told me it made him feel like a pedophile, so it is possible op's guy was in a similar situation but was too insecure to stay with his gf.