By Anonymous - 21/05/2009 06:21 - United States

Today, the three-year-old I was babysitting asked me where my boyfriend was. I told her he was at his house. I'm twenty and single. I lied to a three year old to make myself look less pathetic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 806
You deserved it 14 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you really needed to impress a three year old?

Wow, that's really sad... and what's pathetic about being 20 and single (I'm 20 and single haha).


Hey i am 20 (almost 21) and i have been single my entire life....but i dont make stories up about it to save face (especially to a 3 year old...hes not going to care)

chadvolta13 0

Seriously, why is it that every girl equates their worth to whether or not they have a man (if they are heterosexual). Is validation really that hard to come by these days? Or am I right in assuming that no one even tries anymore? PS you're ******* twenty, get your head out of your ass.

There's nothing wrong with being single; you're only 20. You have the rest of your life to be with somebody. Seriously, boyfriends often only complicate life, anyway. And don't worry about lying to the kid- sometimes you need to make the kid think you're cool so he/she will like you. :)

(I'm #53) To #74, I just got out of a longterm relationship, and a good portion of the latter part of it was long-distance, which means that I didn't have anyone around AND was not getting laid (I don't cheat). I still want to get laid, but does that mean I have to get into another serious, probably shitty relationship in order to do so? You know nothing about me, so don't judge.

And, #74, c) she will never find anybody because she's stuck up and thinks she's hot

Lying isn't a good thing. Honesty is the best policy. Seriously, I clicked You Deserved It for that reason mentioned.

#55, you are SO judgmental, just like the rest of you on here. The last person I slept with was my LONGTERM BOYFRIEND. So me looking for a random hookup after a looong relationship has ended equates to me being promiscuous? Go to hell.

#86, what's wrong with saying you're reasonably attractive? I just wanted to point it out so that people wouldn't be saying "oh, you're not getting any cuz you're UGLY" or "oh, you're not getting any cuz you're FAT." If it's not one, it's always the other, isn't it? Greeeat logic there.

Well, #88, you probably shouldn't say things like that, and then get all upset when people judge you. By saying that you can't find a guy who's interested in random hookups (without offering any explination) you are kind of asking for it....

poopoohead, why would you be offended by a bunch of people who don't know what you look like saying that?