By Anonymous - 25/04/2014 21:21 - United States - Marlboro

Today, my teenage daughter tried to convince me that the UK is a part of Canada. After I pulled out a map to prove her wrong, she got all angry and defensive, and said that nobody's perfect at "geometry". My daughter is an idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 189
You deserved it 11 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DrownedMyFish 18

Idiots are not exclusive to America.


You should probably put a helmet on her and hide all the sharp objects too

hannahspear18 4

some parent you are imagine how she would feel if she read this instead of cutting her down fix it and teacher her like a real parent should if anyone's the idiot you are for calling your kid an idiot and posting it here best parent award at should go to you

hannahspear18 4

some parent you are imagine how she would feel if she read this instead of cutting her down fix it and teacher her like a real parent should if anyone's the idiot you are for calling your kid an idiot and posting it here best parent award at should go to you

You so deserved it! Raise an idiot and you get stuck with an idiot!

Axel5238 29

Not everything is the parents fault. Accountability comes into play, can you imagine if people did stupid shit and claimed you can't blame me no one taught me? For certain things yes we can, we can't blame the parent if the kid doesn't pay attention in school sometimes. Kid will do a lot of stuff their parents don't agree with or taught them not to do.

Maybe she could attend summer school?

That's even worse than when my sister thought Singapore was just 10 minutes away from Blackpool.

good news is you wont have to pay for college, but if I was you I would be getting her a tutor .