By Anonymous - 14/01/2016 12:51 - Australia

Today, my girlfriend actually slept with one of the celebrities on her "5 celebrities we're allowed to sleep with" list. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 692
You deserved it 18 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well you did say she could, so I guess ydi?

Honestly, I've never seen the point of those things.


#189 its because she didn't cheat. she had sex with a partner that OP had agreed that she could he agreed to the exception. she is in the right. if he didn't want it given should never have made the list,

I feel like if couples make those lists, then the guys list should be 4x as long, cuz we all know how much easier it would be for a girl to sleep with someone on her list than a guy with someone on his list

LoneBooker88 16

We, which celebrity was it, then??!?

pretty sure it could be Gary from Geordie shore

Was it Danny Davito? If so that's hysterical as ****.