By Anonymous - 14/01/2016 12:51 - Australia

Today, my girlfriend actually slept with one of the celebrities on her "5 celebrities we're allowed to sleep with" list. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 692
You deserved it 18 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well you did say she could, so I guess ydi?

Honestly, I've never seen the point of those things.


On today's episode of "Things that never happened"...

j3ebrules 13

Who, and if it's a one-time thing, why is this a bad thing?! You should be thrilled for her!

The worst part of posts like these is that the OP will most likely never reply, and even if they did, there's the chance that if the celebrity in question has any actual fame they could turn around and sue OP for public slander. I'm gonna side with OP as this sucks, because the celebrity cheat list is supposed to be a joke.

False rape claims are in the single digits and only 2 percent of rapists ever spend a day in jail. See Feminism supports male and female victims. Please educate yourself, and stop hating women for not being sex slaves but autonomous people.

These kinds of lists are always murky since almost always one partner will think it's serious and the other will think it's a joke.

I don't suppose she got you on a radio show prior to the incident to get your blessing first?