By Anonymous - 26/04/2015 07:09 - Australia - Burwood

Today, I woke up to my girlfriend having phone sex less than 10 feet away from me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 972
You deserved it 2 960

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Please tell me she atleast pays the phone bill

IAmzephyr 22

plot twist: she was having sex with the phone


Please tell me she atleast pays the phone bill

Please tell me it was a sexy voice mail to op. Otherwise leave that cheater

Could that be her profession and she was working from home?

How in the world is that out of order? Cheating goes both ways dipshit.

Number 17's comments profile picture is perfect for what he said

We can only hope she was talking to your voicemail.

Allornone 35
oscillation26 3

I don't know why you are getting down voted I thought it was hilarious

chefnoel22 11

You mean your now 'ex' girlfriend?

chefnoel22 11

What's wrong with you?! I'm sorry but if my boyfriend was having phone sex with some chick, we would be over!

Yes but as we can see from her profile picture she is in fact a women. So based on these findings we can simply assume that given the context of her statement she was putting it into a relatable veiw point for herself.

*Ex-Girlfriend, or just have a talk with her about it. But that's seriously ****** up

i would of called her on the phone and told her to get the **** out of my house lol

IAmzephyr 22

plot twist: she was having sex with the phone

gary8082 14

Maybe she just forgot to tell you that she got a new job with the 1-900 hotline.