Losing it

By IamHM - 24/10/2015 18:04 - United States

Today, I walked two miles to the store, filled my cart with groceries, and got to the cashier… only to find I had forgotten my wallet. I tried to explain but got the nastiest stank-eye from the cashier, the manager, and everyone in line behind me. I walked two miles home, hungry and embarrassed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 696
You deserved it 4 318

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Been there OP. Have a sticky note on your door to remind to check for the essentials before ever leaving home

Sounds like it's time for a pizza delivery.


Been there OP. Have a sticky note on your door to remind to check for the essentials before ever leaving home

Gotta give yourself a pat down when you leave. Wallet, phone, keys.

do the sign of the cross before you leave. spectical, testicals, wallet and phone. .Don't leave home without them.

It's only annoying for the employees because they have to put everything back. it's nothing personal, don't be embarrassed!

I agree! Nothing to be embarrassed about, I bet they were all feeling sorry for you. And let's just hope OP wasn't going to buy a lot of things that you pack yourself, like fruit and such.

They don't have to put everything back. Ask them to hold it for you while you go get your money!

i used to work at a grocery store and that was pretty common but it creates jobs. we literally had a position to do that all day. its like reverse shopping

Herrera239 8

Some stuff can't be put back like refrigerated items it has to be thrown out

Sounds like it's time for a pizza delivery.

Wizardo 33

Next time do the tap test. Tap every pocket to make sure you have your possessions with you. Assign an item to each pocket to make it easier!

JustinJK 21

What if they forget to do the tap test? !

I understand. Some customers come by the store and they left their card or wallet at home. I can't do anything for them, but they shouldn't have looked at you like that.

Always check your wallet and things you want to carry before leaving! :)

Man that sucks but next time, take an extra minute or two to make sure you have everything you need before leaving your house.

Wait, so you were gonna walk miles home carrying a cartfull of groceries?!! Damn, fyl either way had you had your wallet or not..

Exactly what I was thinking reading this FML

Usually they can suspend the order and hold it for you. I don't know what grocery store you went to, but I'll stick to mine instead.

Sheesh, why did they ALL give you the stink eye? It's just a mistake that hundreds of people make.