By Anonymous - 14/01/2016 12:51 - Australia

Today, my girlfriend actually slept with one of the celebrities on her "5 celebrities we're allowed to sleep with" list. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 692
You deserved it 18 771

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well you did say she could, so I guess ydi?

Honestly, I've never seen the point of those things.


thenetflox 4

It's funny that it's only guys getting mad at this lmaooo, yall know damn well if it was reverse and he got to bang megan fox or someone like that you'd all be like "gg man wtg" you don't make a list for potential freebies and then be like "yuuu cheated on me ?! Wot?1" YDI

thenetflox 4

that being said , all op needs to do is find one of the celebrities on his list and get to work lool

I'd ask for photographic evidence in your position... Yknow, for research purposes... That said, this wouldn't be in fml for me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

plus, if a guy did hook up with the female celebrity, his girlfriend would hold it against him and probably dump him anyway

OP, you and your GF made the list. You're just posting here because she managed to get one of her list and you didn't.

Well good for her then. And you did technically allow her to.

I get you both made lists, but these things tend to always smell like a mix for pain. It's normally just fantasy, for fun kind of stuff, but when reality happens, it tends to hurt the other person more than they might've thought it would, especially if the other person actually went through with it. OP, think about how you feel and talk to your girlfriend about it. If this isn't something you can get past or want to work through with her, break it off and move on. I do wish you well in this situation.