Hello goodbye

By Anonymous - 08/11/2021 08:00

Today, after four years of infertility, my wife and I found out our miracle pregnancy was going to be a boy; our first child. Twenty minutes later, we found out our child has a terminal genetic condition, and will die in the next 4 weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 552
You deserved it 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This isn't an FML, this is a tragedy. And not for a comical site like this, I dont think. I am so truly sorry for your and your wife's loss. 😔

And1 12

Very sorry to hear it. Please consult a geneticist before you try again.


And1 12

Very sorry to hear it. Please consult a geneticist before you try again.

AJ1981 12

That must be hard to go through can't imagine. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope you have the love and support to get through this.

After 4 years I’m assuming you’re trying IVF. If you haven’t talked to your doc abt PGT (preimplantation genetic testing) it’s certainly something to look into. They test for genetic and chromosomal abnormalities just a few days after fertilization and could spare you the heartache of going through this again. I’m so sorry for your loss. I haven’t experienced this first hand but my best friend went through years of IVF and multiple miscarriages and seeing her heartbreak was devastating. Her resulting daughter made all the heartbreak worthwhile though. If you hold on to hope there may still be a light at the end of the tunnel for you both. :) (PS I am not a doctor, just have a degree in biomed and specialize in genetic research…. This is not medical advice beyond suggesting a talk with your doc)

That is heartbreaking, I am so sorry. When you are both ready, consider adoption or fostering.

This isn't an FML, this is a tragedy. And not for a comical site like this, I dont think. I am so truly sorry for your and your wife's loss. 😔

lilbit711 1

I’m so sorry for what you are going through. I would consult another doctor just to be on the cautious side. We lost our son at 37 weeks and it’s truly a pain no one should go through.

DrSamba1 8