Customers from hell

By GirlWhyyyy - 09/08/2023 14:00

Today, I reduced a customer to tears and she had a tantrum, saying that nobody loves her, her life is a joke, and she’d be better off dead. This ordeal happened to grab the attention of my manager who was nearby. All I did was tell her that an item she wanted was sold out and offered to help her order it online. FML
I agree, your life sucks 873
You deserved it 87

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jontom 7

Say Dick, exactly WTF does that mean?

damn you drew the short straw. Hopefully your mgr is cool with you.


Oh, so basically you told her that you judged her as being too stupid, lazy and incompetent to order it online herself, and she'd be lost without the "help" of the Great White Savior. Nice. Be glad she didn't hack you to death with an axe!

jontom 7

Say Dick, exactly WTF does that mean?

ODBeefalo 10

it looks like sarcasm. some people go off the deep end when you offer to help due to it implying they are stupid. and the limit to how far they will go is oddly far for no logical reason.

damn you drew the short straw. Hopefully your mgr is cool with you.