By Anonymous - 14/01/2016 12:51 - Australia

Today, my girlfriend actually slept with one of the celebrities on her "5 celebrities we're allowed to sleep with" list. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 691
You deserved it 18 770

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well you did say she could, so I guess ydi?

Honestly, I've never seen the point of those things.


Wow. What an achievement. Who was the celebrity. Celebrity sex doesn't come along easy. Sucks to be you. And seriously what a skanky move from your girlfriend.

Good for her! hahahaha. Hey, you probably approved the list. ;)

Cheating is still cheating. End of story.

whooooooo was the damn celebrity!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! or is this fake to get likes? prove it. ?

tounces7 27

The problem with this kind of list, is it's extremely biased against the man in the relationship. I mean it's a whole lot easier to find a male celebrity who will bang pretty much any hot chick, than it is to find a female one who will sleep with a random stranger. The fact is, men are just EASIER to hook up with. So such a list is extremely unfair.

siona 17

Am I a bad person for being more curious about who the celebrity was than about the fact that OP's gf hooked up with said celebrity? Now I just wanna know who it was lol. FYL OP.