Sounds like a catch

By Anonymous - 10/08/2020 08:06

Today, my psycho ex tried to call the cops on me for "poisoning her food." I live two hours away from her, and have no money or gas to go anywhere near her. Turns out, she poisoned herself for eating raw chicken and pizza dough. I have a child with this idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 742
You deserved it 342

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mathalamus 24

Hopefully the child is with you.


Mine said I had poisoned the well water. We did not have a well.


Mathalamus 24

Hopefully the child is with you.


Mine said I had poisoned the well water. We did not have a well.

Did she actually call the cops on you? I’m wondering if she would get in trouble for making such a blatant claim against you. I wouldn’t even doubt it if she’s done this kind of crap before or would do it again.

genuinegoodguy 9

Why do you have a child with her?

The child is your fault too. Should have used protection. But still, that is one psycho ex you've got. Sounds like you dodged a bullet with her. I hope you're the one that has custody of the kid.

"The child is his fault too?" Don't be a moron.