By verysadasian - 30/07/2009 14:21 - United States

Today, my friends and I decided to compare dick sizes one by one. I was last and I was the smallest. I was also the only Asian amongst my friends. They now call me "the stereotype". FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 623
You deserved it 29 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

....Wow. YDI, for being lame enough to BE comparing dick sizes with your friends. Do you not have anything better to do?

didn't you know the size of your own dick before you entered a measuring contest?


omg guys come up to me and ask me if its true tht asian dicks r asian and im a girl

YDI for being a ******* retard... Who the hell decides to compare dick sizes? That's just stupid.

WTF is wrong with you lol. who is sitting around bored and says hey guys let's look at dicks.

Wtup 0

ewww my friend told me about that isnt that old ppl sex wtf man grosssss

KillaKingPerrie 4

Comparing dick sizes with other dudes, WHY THATS NOT GAY AT ALL!

pinkworld22 0

So...were you comparing sizes while flaccid or erect? 'Cause the only thing that matters is erect : )

deliapearl 0

u have to make it erect... Asian men are "growers"...instead of doubling they get 50 times bigger