By verysadasian - 30/07/2009 14:21 - United States

Today, my friends and I decided to compare dick sizes one by one. I was last and I was the smallest. I was also the only Asian amongst my friends. They now call me "the stereotype". FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 623
You deserved it 29 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

....Wow. YDI, for being lame enough to BE comparing dick sizes with your friends. Do you not have anything better to do?

didn't you know the size of your own dick before you entered a measuring contest?


EveryDayJackAss 0

oh come on...ALMOST all asians have small penises...i mean at least we still got our asian chic-oh wait.....yea my race is fked well except for all the cute asians that those white and black fags keep on taking (racism was NOT intended so please dont send this to the Animal Control Department......AND DONT ASK WHY!)

AngryC4t 0

You know, I never understood the whole "you're stealing our women" thing. Unless you're planning on marrying every Asian girl on earth, it shouldn't be a big deal if those "white and black fags" date an Asian.

Fooberry 9

Firstly, Asians are hot. Secondly, it's QUALITY, not QUANTITY. It's not the size that matters, it's how you use what you've got. Guys who are "bigger" will be like, "I don't have to try, cuz I'm HUGE." Guys who are smaller actually try and please the girl, thus being better in bed. :D

sexymessy 0

lol guess I'm totally set then, cause i got the QUANTITY and the QUALITY....ask around.

tehukiso 0

Yeah except you'll never compare to the guys who are larger (within reason) AND know what they're doing. Anyone who says size doesn't matter at all is naive or not telling the truth.

Nezuri 5

I totally agree with this. In my Human Sexuality class, it's the performance that counts in bed, not the size. We learned that people with longer penises do not extend longer than people with shorter penises. Example, people who are naturally longer, say 7 inches, grows only an inch to be erect whereas a shorter penis, say 4 inches, can grow up to 2-3 inches more erect :D.

@180: ... You know nothing of penises, do you? It's erection length you measure, and if someone is total eight inches compared to someone who is total six inches, THEY ARE NOT THE SAME LENGTH. Flaccid length beforehand and how much the length increases DOES NOT MATTER, it is the full erection length. Some studies show most women agree it's width that matters, though, not length, since the average penis length is five inches, and the average "pleasurable area" inside a woman is four inches. The friction is preferred. Of course, that's average. Personally, I think longer penises look funny. If I ever got a boyfriend with a seven inch penis, I'd call him "Rod." He might like that, but I'd secretly be laughing. But of course, it's not looks that count.

I totally agree with 100% all of your comment! Expect..the asians are hot part it seems my white friends agree, some of my black friends agree, as do some of my hispanic friends..BUT my asian friends hate them! All the asian girls I know say "asian guys are ugly and i only like white guys but seem to get stuck with an asian guy"..Does anyone else hear that? topic.. OP is still gay for comparing dick sizes. And really childish.

hah no its QUANTITY... ha, well sorry bud, you're definitely going to get **** blocked a couple times in your future now, but luckily a lot of women don't always care.... so FYL for that. YDI for comparing dick sizes.... kind of gay...

Wait wait You say it's quantity that matters, in the argument of quality vs quantity, which was started by a woman, then you say "don't worry most women don't care"? So how do you come to your conclusion? Just curious.

YDI, if you are obviously the smallest and know it the WHY THE **** did you tell them this? And not all guys who are big are lazy in bed, im a good sized bloke and i ALWAYS put the effort in.

Why the **** would you compare penis sizes? if you and your friends are gay than that's ok but if your strait than why the **** would you do this?

AntiChrist7 0

We have a new stereotype: the gay asian.

Funky_T 0

Did you actually get your dicks out in front of eachother and compare?...your either friends (you dont show eachother your cocks) or your boyfriends (you get your **** out and do whatever you guys do)...... Your a ******* disgrace to asians you weener