By Noname - 11/03/2009 20:29 - United States

Today, I walked behind a girl I hooked up with last weekend while she was on the computer in the library. I noticed she was looking at my Facebook page and got excited. Then I heard her say to her friend, "This is the one with the smallest dick I've ever seen." FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 990
You deserved it 9 603

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If it's 4 inches or bigger erect, don't worry about it. If it's less....seriously learn to develop other skills (though every man should anyway). Then you'll be 'that's the best p_ssy eater I've ever had in my life' instead of the small dicked guy. ;)


seriously your dick on facebook? facebook is a overrated site but theres no way in hell im visiting it now

Are you asian? xD sorry racist comment

Why the hell do you have a picture of your dick on facebook. Stop being such a fricken jackass

iBurnTrees 6

wow read the fml kids. the pic of his junk isn't on facebook. she saw it when they hooked up. and now she is showing her friend what the guy looks like. DUH

Lol yeah he's going to need some ice for that... Dang do you guys smell smoke? Whoa see that fire? I hear a fire truck now and the fire alarm!

If it's 4 inches or bigger erect, don't worry about it. If it's less....seriously learn to develop other skills (though every man should anyway). Then you'll be 'that's the best p_ssy eater I've ever had in my life' instead of the small dicked guy. ;)

note to others 4 inches is still an inch and some change under the average length.

#7 the average for a grown man is 6 not four, or just measure from your wrist to the tip of your middle finger

Actually no, the average size for a grown man is 5 inches, not 6.

It's not how big it is it's how you use it :) Don't worry about that cow