By verysadasian - 30/07/2009 14:21 - United States

Today, my friends and I decided to compare dick sizes one by one. I was last and I was the smallest. I was also the only Asian amongst my friends. They now call me "the stereotype". FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 623
You deserved it 29 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

....Wow. YDI, for being lame enough to BE comparing dick sizes with your friends. Do you not have anything better to do?

didn't you know the size of your own dick before you entered a measuring contest?


Njord09 2

aw thats a pitty, but hey you might have a better chance of getting anal than your friends. i mean being the top, since you are all gays for doing it :). You go girl, get those asses !

Well now you can label your group of friends "gay".

Uhm... I guess I would be sort of an expert on the subject, but gay guys are pretty phobic about showing the goods to other gay guys. In my experience, straight guys are surprisingly ready to grab eachothers' asses, stick their junk on a drunk dude's face and take pictures... Side note- Yea.. it's true.

That's gay shit. How does your small dick become hard. Are there guys that turn you on. Typical asian.

hsumalachi 0

generally asian girls have small v. so an asian guy kinda has to be small too. but unless you look at every asian guy size, then how would you know most asians are small? i'm asian and i'm big. but it's not really a good thing anyways since most women can only take 6 inches before you hit their wall.

NonchalantSavant 0

You were great in "The Hangover!"

AssOf2009 0

YDI for being retarded and weird. Who does that?

dspadres 0

You know, when people say "dick measuring contest" they don't mean that literally. What the **** is wrong with you?

eeee93757 0

So guys pulled your dicks out in front of each other? And managed to "get it up" while having nothing to look at but your friends' dicks? ROTFL you queer *****.

muffinsareyummy 1

penis pumps are your friends. they want to help you.