By -___- - 14/09/2012 23:06 - Sweden - Stockholm
Same thing different taste
By Fatty - 06/03/2010 13:05 - United States
By Lax - 12/01/2009 09:37 - France
By KittyKat - 03/11/2013 14:22 - United Kingdom - Milton Keynes
By numbnuts - 23/09/2013 05:48 - Canada - Nanaimo
By Joanne - 24/02/2012 13:26 - Australia
By Bailey - 22/08/2010 06:58 - United States
Mommy Goes Commando
By Anonymous - 03/08/2017 13:00
By Jess - 30/05/2009 12:48 - United States
By anonymous - 28/07/2011 05:39 - United States
Highly inappropriate
By Anonymous - 27/05/2013 22:15 - United States - Lehi
Top comments
So I'm not the only one that wonders...
Derpy Hooves approves. *ducks and takes shelter from imminent thumbs down*
At least he didn't name her derpderp

OP's husband is an obnoxious jackass. That attitude towards his own daughter's curiosity is rudeness and insensitivity that borders on emotional abuse. I prescribe a remedial kick in the head, applied directly to the husband.
Anyone I know would have laughed at that comment if their kid or someone else's kid said that. But calling her names.. Rude. But what she said was absolutely adorable! Must be a cute kid!
42 All dads **** with their kids. I don't think that counts as abuse.
#42 must just be a HUGE sissy. Anyway,the dad could have handled it way better. If I were the mom I would tell her that when dad says derp derp to just leave him alone because he is saying mean things. And that she should tell him not to be rude.
I agree #1! Wtf does swallowing clothes, and the name derp derp have to do with each other?!
And people I know he was wondering about moms swallowing clothes
Yes 73. Because teaching your daughter what a rude a.hole her father is, is much better.
Haha good one didn't realize it could be taken that way!
42- head on, apply directly to the husband.
61 & 73: The guy is an adult male mocking a five year old girl for being curious. From this she's gonna learn that asking questions will get her made fun of, even by people she relies on. That's abuse.
Do you have children? It isn't abuse. Adults say things that get them laughed at and they don't cry about it and feel abused. Kids usually like when adults laugh at what they say.
He might not be the father
Go home
61- **** with their kids? Sexual abuse? Lol
^That's what you took from that?
I'm sorry but that's a different proportion. I feel for you but that's a whole branch of family who made fun of you. For all we know she finds the name derp derp funny. After all she's probably only young and 1) doesn't understand what it means and 2) if she's sweet enough to ask something like that she would consider it as a joke

At least she didn't ask why moms dont swallow something else so that babies won't be born lonely..?
No. Just, just no.
3- Kill yourself.
29- thumbs down...because I'm a non-conformist!
78- if you're gonna say "kill yourself", you gotta have the right profile picture.
104- darn it :(
No one should be telling anyone to kill themselves anyway. That's terrible
That's rude of your husband. Little kids don't know any better. You just politely tell them the correct answer. Not make them respond to names like "Derp-Derp".
Well she's five, so it's a valid question :P one of those "the things that kids say" I guess.
Exactly. Shes 5, its still adorable. If she were 25, thats a reason for concern. Dads a bit of a dick, but hopefully stops before she understands hes mocking her.
I had to thumb you down simply because of your user name.
71- if we thumbed people for usernames, I would have named myself boobs, because everyone likes boobs.
If im being thumbed down for my name alone, i just want to point out that it was the name of a reporter in a southpark episode, im not trying to pose as some kind of ladies man lol. I just found it to be a very amusing name.
What have you been CLOTHING yourself from that amazing theory?! Lol
I don't understand what you are trying to say at all, but I think it starts out as "What? Have you been clothing yourself?" or possibly, "What have you been clothing yourself [in]?"
6 has us all confused!
Uhhhh..... What?
Oh cool make fun of your daughter for asking a ******* question, that will teach her for being inquisitive.
Daddy issues? Some one needs a hug :3
Maybe that's the point,maybe she's one of those kids that never shut up and ask questions alll the time? You don't know do you,so just shut it you judgmental ****!
Derp-derp lmao. I hope she snaps out of responding to that soon

So I'm not the only one that wonders...
Remind him that he is the father of your "Derp-Derp"