By Anonymous - 06/09/2010 04:20 - United States

Today, I discovered that my husband is a tad paranoid after finding out that our cat has worms. He and I were in the middle of sharing a romantic shower following something of a dry spell when he bent over, spread his cheeks apart and asked, in earnest, "is there a worm sticking out of my ass?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 609
You deserved it 3 679

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYLDeep 25

Ask him to bend over so you can get a better look, then shove a ***** deep inside. Or better yet, get out the strap-on like the FML a few days back.

Ehhhhh....disturbing on a very high level....


Ehhhhh....disturbing on a very high level....

pictures or it didn't hap..... eh, never mind 

For once, we'll assume it happened without the pics...

BahahahLOL 0

I'm scarred for life. This is worse than that time I found Sesame Street ****.

sesame street ****.. its some scary shit >_<!

Currentlyonfire 4

I'd say either put on the strap on and show him what a real man would do. or put on a pair of latex gloves for a good ol prostate exam.

mona_is_here 10

That's just.. so messed up and yet so funny

KingDingALing 9

The cookie monster was probably a pussy monster in Sesame Street **** Cookie Monster: PUSSY PUSSY PUSSY!!

I had an awful mental image of your man's ass crack..

LightningLadyy 0

No one...? Alright, I'll do it... GOATSE!!!!!!!

Invierno 10

@66: I was thinking the same thing! Poor kitty and poor OP. lol I have a very disturbing imagination. *shudder*

ParadeOfShadows 0

The images running in my head right now are nightmare worthy

FFML_314 11

HEY! That's a legitimate question/concern! Worms are very serious. If you love the man, check his ass for worms! Sheesh, woman!

FYLDeep 25

Ask him to bend over so you can get a better look, then shove a ***** deep inside. Or better yet, get out the strap-on like the FML a few days back.

FFML_314 11

That's nothing. My fantasies will blow your mind!

FFML_314 11

Oh, well let me reiterate. "r mind."

0darkfire0 0

I've heard of these 'mind jobs' some serious spiritually kinky shit there. :P

honeycream 0

Ahh I saw a documentary about tapeworms on tv when I was a kid, the man was re-telling the story of how he went to the bathroom and the worm popped it's head out his rear end. Needless to say I was scared to poo for about a year, so I don't blame your husband!

I wonder how many people go on FML on their cell phones while in the bathroom haha.

Haha I saw something similiar to that on Monsters Inside Me... oh and sometimes I bring my iPod in the bathroom to read FML..

I saw something like that on Monsters Inside Me... sorry if this is double post

Yes, but that means he had sex with the cat.

Prodigy7 4

Probably wanted you to stick your finger in his ass.