By Bailey - 22/08/2010 06:58 - United States

Today, I was in a public restroom with my 4 year old daughter. I took her in the stall with me, and as I was using the restroom she looked down and loudly asked, "Mommy! Why do you have a beard on your peepee?!!" Then I heard everybody in the stalls next to us laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 756
You deserved it 14 094

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ahahahhahaa. pwned by your child. shave your furry beaver. lol

collegegirl87 0

omg just because her child says it was a beard does not mean she has a jungle. children don't have any hair so of course they are going to be surprised. FYL and you don't need to shave 


ahahahhahaa. pwned by your child. shave your furry beaver. lol

childzz say the funniest things. >:] ydi for now shaving your beard.

atleast your daughter entertained everyone else in the restroom.

ydi. you don't have to shave it, at least trim it. Damn!

you are very hairy down there as even your four year old daughter knows it.

Jessi2487 0

awww thts kinda cute OP... i hope tht doesnt sound wrong lol

Mumbellosity711 0

seems like 4 year old kids love to say the funniest and honest opinion just like the lion comment

collegegirl87 0

omg just because her child says it was a beard does not mean she has a jungle. children don't have any hair so of course they are going to be surprised. FYL and you don't need to shave 

mona_is_here 10

That's why brazilian waxing is the bestttt.

soldierz 0

StunnerSarah is prettyy stunning

Palmless 0

I don't favorite FML's.... But this is an exception. LMFAO.

UnderageDrinker1 0

I think your beautiful. just saying. and if you look at my picture I'm the one with the sun glasses.

YDI for not trimming or shaving it, nobody likes a jungle bush with dried semen, discharge and pee.

YDI for having a hairy vag. Ever heard of waxing?

any hair down there would surprise a kid and look like a beard to them. it in no way means that it isn't trimmed or anything.

your response: because it isnt a peepee its a hungry bear and if you don't shut up it will eat you(rawr) and then RAM her head up your vag.

Lmao, 84. That sounds like something I would say.

sugarbaby79 0

Hair vags keep you warm && cozy in the winter. Bahaha. JK shave your hotpocket ;D

See that is when you flush your kid down the toilet

then trim that shit as low as possible nobodywants s mouth full of hai

the_flirtt 0

lol atleast trim and wouldn't that hurt 62 ?

BahahahLOL 0

I was the perv in the stall next to yours

mona_is_here 10

114, that hurts only for the few first times, then you get used to it and I even fell asleep during the procedure once lol

the_flirtt 0

haha dam u mam have my respect

Why don't women use an electric razor, you can't cut yourself and it get down reall thin quick and painlessly

I'm gonna try an electric razor haha I just use a regular disposable one....

Hayman68 4

commenting on comment to b near top can i c that beard?

electric razors can't do as good a job as the blade. it gives a cleaner result. no nubs!

mona_is_here 10

127, :D well, beauty is pain anyway but I rather stand unpleasant feelings than be a hairy mess :D

Maybe Chris Tucker should shave it for you

the_flirtt 0

135 some girls have a little line and it's not that bad

mona_is_here 10
the_flirtt 0
jodope1 0

haha thats funny yet embarrasing.... im not going to say anything but that.........................

so ****** classic. some kids are so awesome.

they didn't laugh because she's too hairy, they laughed because that was a funny way for a child to phrase what she saw.

YDI for not shaving good God thats filthy!!!

mshoes12346 3

hehe, that's funny. ^^ at least everyone else got a laugh =)

frogydays 0

op u don't necessarily need to shave it all, it's all the opinion of ur hubby ( well and u of course), if he likes it, then who cares bout all these ppl telling you ur a hairy b----,, it just makes them look stupid. and if u really wanted to, just kick the kid out of the stall and then do ur stuff lol ;)

ragtime88 0

141,I hope you know you just made my day :)

MissXxBipolarXx 0

holy shit your skinny haha! take some protein


@cart do u need some peaches to go with that cottage cheese

dramaqueen0704 0

haha that is halarious I donzt care about spell I'm on my iPod

I'm on an iPod and my spelling is fine? it should be easier as it autocorrects...

who gives an f if it's spelled wrong. I sure as hell don't give a ****.

Brittney_E 0

What's so hard about deleting a Z? I'm on my ipod....

Go and count the number of sprinkles on a Pop Tart, divide by 10, and you have (what I'm guessing) is a number close to your IQ. Either you're illiterate, or just extremely lazy... Better yet, it's probably both.

GreenBud_fml 0

umm.. beard on your peepee? what kind of mother are you?

"when you've see one beaver you've seen them all.." xD shaaaavvee lol

you_failed 15

Oh woooow!!!! xD That must have been embarrassing!! Kids say the darnest things :D