By Jess - 30/05/2009 12:48 - United States

Today, I overheard my 5 year old daughter call a girl in her dance class a slut. Shocked, I asked her where she heard that word. Her response: "I heard you and Daddy say it about her Mommy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 369
You deserved it 71 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah YDI for talking like that around your 5 year old

Why are you bad-mouthing people like that at all, let alone in front of a five-year-old? Really, it says more about your own insecurities...


That's probably the best word to describe my thoughts now, yes! heheh

ladypatience93 2

Wow I can't believe people make comments like the one right above .....,

22cute 17

You know you deserve that, right?

junjouromantica 0

Well, it was going to happen eventually. xD

Yeah YDI for talking like that around your 5 year old

Maybe she didn't know her daughter was around

I have a 5-year old. Little bastard can hear a pin drop from 200 feet and perfectly recall any word said near him at the worst possible time. It's like some sort of ninja skill?

fireandice92 0

O children, this is why we check the rm b4 using profanity

Why are you bad-mouthing people like that at all, let alone in front of a five-year-old? Really, it says more about your own insecurities...

xxpinkgumballxx3 0
LiveLoveLife_fml 0

be a little nicer? and DEFF. be careful about what you say..... little minds are like sponges u know.. lol sux tho