Rip it up and start again

By Anonymous - 09/02/2022 02:00 - Germany - Norden

Today, after cleaning my mom’s bathroom, I wiped the molding strip along the wall so it was even. A quite precariously-hung potted plant thought that reason enough to fall right on top of me, spreading dirt over the entire room as well as my hair, my sweater, and the inside of my bra. FML
I agree, your life sucks 843
You deserved it 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No one cares about your dirty boobs! Ok, I'm lying, I care. How did you get your dirty boobs nice and clean? Feel free to be as detailed as you like.

I wouldn't clean that shit at all. People don't wanna out in the effort to secure their shit they gotta clean up the mess.


No one cares about your dirty boobs! Ok, I'm lying, I care. How did you get your dirty boobs nice and clean? Feel free to be as detailed as you like.

I wouldn't clean that shit at all. People don't wanna out in the effort to secure their shit they gotta clean up the mess.