By PunkChik27 - 12/12/2011 04:46 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, saying we're too different. His only example? He likes ham and I don't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 120
You deserved it 4 466

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yumlicious 4

HAM IS AMAZING. I would have broken up with you as well!

Valid reason. For real though, if he cant even tell you what is wrong, he doesnt deserve you.


Hahahaha your x is funneeeh :D Shame u don't like ham you're rly missin out here! But nah srsly tho I bet he just didn't rly like you anymore, maybe you bored him or somethin n he was just tryin to be nice...and funny!

thrAsHeRr9081 16

I bet if you said you like all American beef better you to would still be together

iseyixes 18

Really? Beef comes from a cow and ham is from a pig.

LezBiHonest 7

He obviously views you not liking ham as multiple valid reasons about how you two are different...I mean..ham is wonderful....

I've found the best way to keep a boyfriend is letting them thrust their meat choices upon you...

crazyfella 0
N3766 20

Then you should say that you like cheese. Ham and cheese, yummm...

bitch better start liking ham, or youll never find someone!