By drunkdial - 06/01/2010 05:53 - France

Today, I realized that the only time my girlfriend ever calls me is when she's drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 348
You deserved it 4 610

Same thing different taste

Top comments

evanescence: you never call me when you're sober good song. enjoy.

froggi_fml 0

that's why u need to break up with her.


froggi_fml 0

that's why u need to break up with her.

uhmm agreed with #1, I've got 4 words for u. break up with her. fyl

take the hint... BREAK UPP! you'll find happiness in people who actually care about you instead of from those who barely remember you.

AntiChrist7 0

Be happy she leaves you alone. If she was sober and called you, it would probably be to go shopping. yuk

the truth comes out when your drunk so at least her true feelings show and she calls u and not some random dude

evanescence: you never call me when you're sober good song. enjoy.

BigGuy99 0

Why are there so many FMLs from nord pas de calais? Is this the place that hosts or something? Do alot of the board operaters live here? Seriously I would love to know why every day we hear about something horrible from a random person in a very random part of the world on a daily consistant basis?

Perhaps they just have the most FUL's on the planet.

When someone doesn't have a country set on their profile, Nord Pas De Calais is the default, so it just means that they didn't pick a country I think..

That's her signal that she is ready to tolerate having sex with you, loser. FYL.

because you never talk to each other anyway, yet you are 'dating'. get a real relationship *******