By Anonymous - 05/08/2015 06:13 - United States - Brookfield

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me because he wasn't feeling our two-month relationship was up to par with his parents' 30-year marriage, and, furthermore, I wasn't similar enough to his mother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 216
You deserved it 2 158

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And so another victim of the Opedipus complex.. Sounds like you lucked out OP, your now ex would probably have had standards very hard to live up to down the road.

Sorry OP, but like people always say: men marry women like their mothers and women marry men like their fathers.


And so another victim of the Opedipus complex.. Sounds like you lucked out OP, your now ex would probably have had standards very hard to live up to down the road.

karcummings 19

but didn't he kill his father and mindlessly marry his mom?

Yeah, it's pretty messed up, but an Oedipus Complex is just a boy being attached to his mother like OP's now ex-boyfriend.

Why is he? It was 2 months, he felt like the relationship wasn't working with her so ended it before there was severe attachment, if anything it was the best thing he could have done. A lot of other guys would have just kept their mouth shut and ended up cheating on the them at the 6month to a year mark causing far more hurt than what happened here

#9 > He is an idiot because you don't try to emulate other people's relationships, it's a recipe for disappointment, especially if one is 2 month and the other is 30 year old. How could both even compare? Honestly, I think OP dodged a bullet, because it's one thing to admire your mother and another thing to want to date someone similar.

corky1992 33

He's an idiot because he can't realize that it takes time to get up to that 30 year status and shouldn't expect it to happen in 2 months time..and the fact that he's looking for someone similar to his mom.

The weird thing is, most men DO marry people similar to their mother, but not usually this... Consciously

Sorry OP, but like people always say: men marry women like their mothers and women marry men like their fathers.

Lol as far as personality, yes. but if looks are involved all bets are off ;)

I'm betting that's not the case the majority of the time.

If that's the case, it looks like I won't be getting married. Get it? :) *exits silently*

Wow, then Princess Leia has terrible taste.

pauliegon 18

43- Are you serious, Anakin's a straight savage

leia would probably go for guys more like her adoptive father and not Anikin anyway because its probably more of the man who acted as the persons father not the biological father

Sometimes things aren't meant to be. Things will get better... For you.

ancientera 12

wtf? is he into incest? what's that about?

What are you talking about? Op is stating that her ex wants someone that has a similar personality to his mother, that's it...

No he just wants someone to fix his food, wash and fold his clothes, pay his bills and always tell him he is right. Also not have to wait longer than 2 months for it.

JustinJK 21

When you start college, make sure to take an intro to psych class.

#18 where did you get that notion from? Males prefer women similar to their moms and vice versa for females.

Similar enough to his mother in personality or appearance? Either way, best stay away from Oedipus-esque lovers.

karcummings 19

forget about guys like that. he isnt worth it.

IvyChennyChen 21

Oedipus called and he wants his complex back

It's better for the relationship to have ended now then if you might have liked him much more into the future. But what I'm wondering is how did he expect 2 months to be on par with 30 years of marriage?

pleasedie 22

Why am I not shocked by the location