By PunkChik27 - 12/12/2011 04:46 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me, saying we're too different. His only example? He likes ham and I don't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 120
You deserved it 4 466

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yumlicious 4

HAM IS AMAZING. I would have broken up with you as well!

Valid reason. For real though, if he cant even tell you what is wrong, he doesnt deserve you.


chels1994 11

Well that just shows that he isn't worth it

flatrat 3

Pork of any kind I very important

It sounds like he was looking for an excuse to break up with you and this was the only thing he could come up with. You're better off to find a guy who likes you for who you are.

DetLions32 6

He could be talking about anal

BRItni6788 0

Hahhahahahahahahahahha yesssss that's the greatest thing I've ever herd I mean bacon is a diffrent story but ham hahaha that's funny

aubreyy8 2

You don't like ham? What the hell is wrong with you? hahahahahahaha actually this is friggin hilarious!

Or maybe coz you like the same thing - ****?! Lol