By younggrammy - 20/08/2009 20:15 - United States

Today, my 14 year old daughter told me she's pregnant. I work as a public speaker for promoting celibacy and safe sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 214
You deserved it 45 460

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Im guessing your daughter never came to one of these speakings right?

dspadres 0

I didn't know Sarah Palin visited FML! Awesome.


Obviously, you're not good at your job, or you care more about the kids you teach than your own child. What happened to girls going to the gyno once they start their period, and then having a loving relationship enough for the girls to ask to be put on birth control, if they couldn't get it themselves from their doctor? Of course, she should've used condoms as well, but had she been educated about the various risks of preganacy for each type of birth control, she could've picked a combination that worked. (Meaning that condoms are what, 80% effective? And the pill, even if taken perfectly every day at the same time every day, are 98-99% percent effective at best. The only one that is perfect is complete abstinence, without petting - which isn't likely from a teenager.) I hope that she makes the right decision for herself and her baby, and adoption is an option.

For her punishment, you could always bring her to your talks and use her as a case study :)

I agree thats not funny but what the **** ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ohhh man epic

Hey retards, if you actually read the whole damn thing she ALSO promotes safe sex. The internet makes me fear for the human condition sometimes.

alex678_fml 0

Too young;do not want. But in all honesty, abort before it's too late.

Judgment99 0

It's your fault your daughter is a ****. Get an abortion and stop worrying about your image.

loserlikenoneoth 0

WTH. She doesn't deserve this at all. Her daughter deserves everything that's coming to her. Her mom could be a great parent and ask where she is and tell her if she's going to have sex to be smart about it, but in the end she has to trust her daughter and hopeshe taught her well! I mean, I wouldn't jump right on the Internet to post an FML if I found out that my daughter was pregnant, but stop calling her a shitty mom because she can't make her daughters choices.

How is the girl a ****? She could've been with only one guy and still ended up pregnant, idiot.

I find it funny that people are calling her daughter a "*****" or a "****" for having sex at 14. Teens having sex is nothing new in the world we live in and some people have to learn to wrap their mind around this fact. If the daughter was a few years older, her having sex would be a non-issue. As if in a few years having sex becomes a completely rational decision. But something puzzles me a bit about the logic brought up here. Why, given a few years, would she not be considered a "****" or a "*****" anymore? It would be hypocritical to claim otherwise... Some people here don't seem to really know the meaning of the words "****" or "*****." Or if they do know the meaning then I can only assume that they think she ****** every guy on her block. I mean they would have to have if they truly considered her a **** or a *****. Right? RIGHT?!?!

That's easy. Get an abortion. It's the solution to everything. (Before anyone say anything, it's not killing baby, it's terminating pregnancy)

YDI for promoting celibacy. Kids will never listen to that load of shit. Your definition of safe sex is probably abstinece too. Epic fail on your part.

Things like this makes me glad I have no desire for sex. @ OP, what the hell is wrong with your daughter? Is it really THAT hard to stop yourself from having sex? Pathetic...