We are legion

By Lennie Mcfish - 26/09/2019 20:01

Today, I'm so lonely that I created multiple fake accounts on different social media platforms, just so I can have people to talk to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 113
You deserved it 571

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Look for some activity groups (meetup is a good one). Dancing, biking, hiking, etc. are great ways to meet people.

Go make some friends, dammit. Get your shit together. :|



Look for some activity groups (meetup is a good one). Dancing, biking, hiking, etc. are great ways to meet people.

Go make some friends, dammit. Get your shit together. :|

Go to Quora.com or Reddit, create ONE and only ONE account. On those sites people ask and answer questions, and unless you are a lunatic or a troll, you opinion will be valued. People aren't going to come to your door (Well they might but trust me, you don't want those kind of friends) you have to go out to them.

bl3ur0z3 17

You're not talking to anybody. Just yourself. This officially means you're crazy.

Inevitably, one of your accounts is going to start trolling another and then the shit show is on!

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

I actually do this but i mostly do it for attention

Sonotsuave 35

I’ve never done that but I think that’s a bit strange and that some time away from the digital world is good for you. This world’s beautiful and people fail to acknowledge it by isolating themselves on their devices. Even if you’re not too social, there are plenty of events going on in town, clubs, volunteering opportunities, sports, support groups, etc. Go find the ones that speak to you