Sex ed is broken

By Laura B. - 13/08/2022 22:00

Today, I went with my son to a conference about sexual education at his high school. I guess it was all too late, because among the attendees I saw three girls from the same high school who were already pregnant. They aren't even 18. FML
I agree, your life sucks 794
You deserved it 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sex ed should happen long before high school. And I don't mean sex ed saying abstinence is the only form of birth control.

Teen pregnancy has actually dropped a lot surprisingly. At least in countries with robust sex ed BEFORE people start getting sexually active. Don't worry, I had to sit in parenting class between my brother's pregnant GF and another pregnant girl, so it could be worse.


Teen pregnancy has actually dropped a lot surprisingly. At least in countries with robust sex ed BEFORE people start getting sexually active. Don't worry, I had to sit in parenting class between my brother's pregnant GF and another pregnant girl, so it could be worse.

when I was in Jr high a few girls were pregnant already. I knew 2 more that gave birth beginning freshman year

Sex ed should happen long before high school. And I don't mean sex ed saying abstinence is the only form of birth control.

That does sound really broken, yeah. I remember we had our first sex talk in school when we were 7, covered all the basic basics (penis, ******, sperm and eggs) which then went into more detail once we were around 10-11 or so, with condom use, pregnancy and all that, and then repeated and gone into even more depth (pills, where to get free condoms, how to use them and so on) around 13 or so. Worked fairly well, tbh.

What country did you attend school in?