By younggrammy - 20/08/2009 20:15 - United States

Today, my 14 year old daughter told me she's pregnant. I work as a public speaker for promoting celibacy and safe sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 214
You deserved it 45 460

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Im guessing your daughter never came to one of these speakings right?

dspadres 0

I didn't know Sarah Palin visited FML! Awesome.


Sanctimonious people piss me off. YDI for preaching to everyone else instead of talking to your daughter.

Your a fat ****** that works in mcdonalds. with a two inch penis! ******!!!

OmgItsAnaBeatriz 0

YDI For Having A Skanky 14 Year Old Daughter. WTF? A 14 Year Old? That Is the Grossest Thing Ever! You Are Not Even Fully Developed To Have Sex Yet. Today's Generation Seriously Have Their Heads Shoved Up Someone's Ass. ****.

I'm sorry, but to me it sounds like you're more upset about how your daughter's pregnancy looks in relation to your job. Don't worry about how you look now that your daughter's pregnant, worry about your daughter.

Good to see you're thinking of YOURSELF rather than your DAUGHTER who came to you for HELP. Maybe she went out and had sex because her marvellous mother paid more attention to her fascist job rather than her own family. Yes, OP, you did deserve this one.

Maybe you should spend less time talking about UNREALISTIC abstinence and more time teaching about safe sex, and this probably wouldn't have happened.

annamg 0

Of course, everyone has to rush in to comment and bitch about "how dare anyone even DREAM about promoting abstinence!" That's what some people believe, so get over it. Obviously the daughter didn't go along with it, but it doesn't make the mother bad, negligent, stupid, etc.

fake. if you were really a "public speaker for promoting celibacy and safe sex" you wouldnt be on this site. youre the type that sits on computers writing emails to get every fun site took down

ROFL, your own fault for being a fridget. *cough*Abortion!*cough*