By younggrammy - 20/08/2009 20:15 - United States

Today, my 14 year old daughter told me she's pregnant. I work as a public speaker for promoting celibacy and safe sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 214
You deserved it 45 460

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Im guessing your daughter never came to one of these speakings right?

dspadres 0

I didn't know Sarah Palin visited FML! Awesome.


F00tball_Playa 0

FYDL (**** your daughters life)

The fact that the daughter is 14 and pregnant is one thing, but the fact that people are saying Abstinence and Celibacy are the same thing is completely ridiculous. How could you possibly compare the principle of not having sex and to a Pokemon?!?! Come on how stupid do you have to be? Trust me, I'm a Scientist.

why do I have the feeling your about to get fired?

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Have you never heard of celibacy? Really? And you say you're a scientist? Go look it up. It's a real word. See, the Pokemon you're thinking of is CELEBI. Its name is possibly derived from celibacy, but not entirely. It's not an abstaining Pokemon. :| Abstinence: any self-restraint, self-denial, or forbearance Celibacy: abstention from sexual relations. See? Celibacy even uses abstinence, or a variety of it, in the definition. Go do your research before you post something like Pokemon on a post like this because you're jumping to conclusions. A 'scientist' like you should know how to do that, ne? Edit: Hold up, your profile says you're only 16. Keep your mind out of FML and in Platinum next time, kaay? Before you say something REALLY stupid.

I know its random and if it doesnt do it, this was a reply to 196: WTF who said anything about Pokémon???

YDI for raising a ****. Maybe you should have been paying attention to your own daughter instead of teaching other peoples kids. Sorry, but there's no excuse for teen pregnancy. You suck as a parent.

tell her shes a fucken **** for me and everyone else. =) get someone to kick her in the stomach or do it yourself. thanks and good day.

IMB916 0

This is a FAIL if it's real or fake. If it's real, then the OP obviously didn't do a great job promoting safe sex. If it's fake, it's a FAIL because the OP made the mistake of confusing celibacy with abstinence. (And if it's real, that's another FAIL, and might explain why they FAILed at parenting)

*Sings* Some people forgot about Adoption.

Hich17 0