By younggrammy - 20/08/2009 20:15 - United States

Today, my 14 year old daughter told me she's pregnant. I work as a public speaker for promoting celibacy and safe sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 214
You deserved it 45 460

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Im guessing your daughter never came to one of these speakings right?

dspadres 0

I didn't know Sarah Palin visited FML! Awesome.


tony8pie 0

Congradulations on becoming a grandmother, and for raising a *****!

Seriously? Cool it. Quit worrying about your reputation, and start caring for your daughter and grandchild.

ok.. thats not FML for you.. 1. its FML for ur daughter and 2. you must not be a good speaker if your own daughter got pregnant.. no ones going to want advice from you...

misterman2 3

You probably drove her to being rebellious.

#264, i was seriously going to say the same thing! i'm sorry to hear about this though. good luck :/

its not your fauly. bitch doesnt know how to play goalie

k_cool 0

your daughter's a dumbass. I mean really, fourteen? dear God.

TheAwkward0ne 0

oooooo. someone did a 'Sarah Palin'

Stephanieeex3 0

.. This is more like a, 'FYDL." **** your daughter's life, 'cause it's completely ****** up now. Well, at least be happy that she told you instead of throwing herself down a staircase, like my 14-year-old friend decided to do. Kids are such complete idiots nowadays. I swear, I should have been born years before I actually was. Morons like the OP's daughter give 14-year-old girls like me a bad reputation. T_T ******* pathetic.

BITCH, just get an abortian? or shoot ur bitch daughters stoamach while che's asleep that mother fucka wont ever see it coming hahaha bitch ass pussy mother ******

LadyKaya 0

You sound mature for your age, and I agree with you completely. I agree, you sound like you've got an wise head on too young of shoulders. But don't be too hard on "kids these days". No, she shouldn't have gotten pregnant, but I promise you, you will do something stupid and crazy one day. It's normal. I just hope you have parents as diligent as mine were a few years ago :P