By Anonymous - 26/11/2010 14:22 - United States

Today, it's Black Friday. I got sucker-punched by some woman over a ten dollar griddle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 147
You deserved it 6 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pinkpillowz 0

I have only attended one Black Friday. Got a tv for 2O dollars, which was before flat screens and plasma was invented lol Hey, I thought I was cool to have my own tv when I was like 12 lol But ever since I heard people bringing guns to places and getting trampled and dying, I dont think getting something half off is worth someones life.


pinkpillowz 0

Why go after a griddle? Much better things out there.

takethesebrokenw 0

43 Are you unable to comprehend what a joke is?

I'd laugh if it was actually funny! If it even was a joke, it was terrible. Die.

I witnessed a fight today over some Tupperware...

wwerulez14 6

Black Friday the nickname of the day in 1929 when the US Stock Market crashed, which signaled the beginning of the Great Depression. So the Friday after thanksgiving is always called "Black Friday" in remembrance of that day, and stores usually give their lowest prices of the year on that ONE day. Hence why it creates such madness.

wow thanks 65 for the runthrough of what I have learned in 8th grade :D

I don't know why "Jewban" said that but that sounded awfully sarcastic, so im going to take the risk and presume it was and reply as follows: Not everyone is American and cares about it's holidays you ignorant bitch. Other wise, if it wasn't sarcastic, no comment.

doomsauced 0

um, no, it's called black friday because that's often the first day of the year that retailers start to turn a profit for the year, as in out of the red (meaning that they've so far spent more money than they have earned) and into the black (meaning that they have now earned more money than they have spent). Anyway, on a side note, I first read this as "Today, it's Black Friday. I got sucker-punched by some woman over a ten dollar girdle" and was slightly confused for a moment.

70 if tht profile pic is actually u, then u are super hot,

She should've given her a real punch back lol

nerdwithagun 0

I went to Black Friday with a few of my friends this morning, but was smart enough not to buy anything. It was just fun watching people fight over stuff.

AliceImaMonster 0

I do too. Its super fun. Some guys got into a fist fight over a pink robe.



you can cook pancakes and bacon on it. other things too.

gotta love walmart :) I found a perfectly in shape one on the ground :p

Hard to feel sorry for you for going out today. This is exactly why I never go out shopping today, let the morons think they are getting a deal when they usually are not

I bet you could have gotten the same deals online as well, and not been outside waiting in line, dealing with inconsiderate idiots Incidentally, I bought a 56 inch LCD TV from a store that was offering them today, and bought it online and didn't even have to pay for delivery, and I didn't have to wait outside in the cold at all and woke up at my usual time of 6am and didn't purchase it until 8am, yet I got a great black friday deal without leaving my nice warm house.

Curiosity Mike.. newegg? I have to admit, I too, love the black friday experience. You can shop online anyday.. this happens once a year.

bamagrl410 31

I worked Black Friday for 3 years in a clothing store. Never have I been more sure I wanted to hit someone in the face. It's ridiculous the way people act. As my old manager said: "If you're in a shitty mood, just stay home". That way we don't have to deal with stupid questions and nasty attitudes. And to be quite honest, people really don't save that much. My store had better prices in the few days leading up to Black Friday than we did on that day. We'd slightly raise the price on the most popular items, but lower prices on secondary items. That way, it was too good of a deal to pass up, and yet they still want the more popular item. So you end up spending more. Just sayin...

It's not even December yet =/ Dragging it out a bit aren't you? :P

AAShah 0

I'm surprised you expected any less.

wwerulez14 6

As a wise man once said- "Bitches be crazy."

Pull out your earrings, roll up your sleeves, and knock her out. YDI for being a pushover.

Griddle me this op: Didnt you know this could hap-pan? YDI. ^ Well that was a shitty punchline

Troll, that sucked. Get back in your cave and think about what you've done.

I don't live in a cave, I live under a bridge // ||____||__||____|| // ||____||____||____|| //||'-._.-'||'-._.-'||'-._.-'|| :(

//||'-._.-'||'-._.-'||'-._.-'|| // ||____||____||____|| // ||____||__||____||

YDI if you didn't hit her back and get it back. if you don't stand up for yourself you deserve to be walked over