By Nosmie - 17/06/2019 15:03

Today, the worst part about not having a sense of smell is that I can’t tell if anyone ate pizza without me. Unless I see an empty box in the trash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 653
You deserved it 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mungolikecandy 19

On the bright side. No sense of smell, massively curtailed sense of taste so you are not missing much.

Buy your own? Or ask if whoever you live with wants pizza, each of you chip in, and then wait so you don't miss out.


Mungolikecandy 19

On the bright side. No sense of smell, massively curtailed sense of taste so you are not missing much.

Buy your own? Or ask if whoever you live with wants pizza, each of you chip in, and then wait so you don't miss out.

The other worst part is people enlisting you to do the most disgusting cleaning jobs because, hey, at least you don't have to bear the stench. That's what happened to a friend of mine many times.

rotflqtms_ 21

I mostly breathe through my mouth nature of allergies and a stuffy nose... When my nose is clear, it sometimes burns to breathe through it and I haven't really been able to tell what most smells are since it's mostly just irritation... While I can't always tell what things are by smell, I can kind of taste the air. my mom likes to use air fresheners. They burn my nose if I try breathing through it and they taste horrible when the particles get in my mouth. Yeah I can't smell all the stinky stuff... but I can sure taste it... Someone pooping? Yup, got a big taste of it while walking by. Someone farted... well... that tastes awful too. My cousin says the train station smells like hot ass...I actually don't mind breathing that in. I was in a room with a patient with a really smelly infected wound. I only kind of noticed. Dissecting animals? Everyone else complained about the terrible smell. Not quite terrible for me... someone sprays me with perfume before a date... better change my clothes, I'm gonna be coughing and sneezing all day, and my eyes may be bothering me too... better yet, just take a shower just in case it's on my body too. I stg, lysol and air fresheners and spray may smell good to people, but it tastes awful, especially when you walk by somewhere someone recently sprayed. I'd honestly prefer someone NOT spraying after they pooped if I was going in right after because the sprays affect me so much.

Phil 14

On the up side, at least you'll never have to smell other peoples farts.