No rizz

By blackitalian - 26/11/2010 15:43 - United States

Today, I went to see a famous rapper perform. My girlfriend got us up to the front to get pictures with him. He went to give me a high-five, I thought it was a fist-bump, so I made a fist. So he made a fist while I made a palm to match his retracted high-five. Then I panicked, cupped his fist, and ran. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 157
You deserved it 31 820

Same thing different taste

Top comments


OP should have just said 'Look, we made a turkey!' the hi5 hand being the tail feathers and the fist bump hand being the body.

cooldukenukem 2
zp5 4

ok so let me get this straight... ( - | ah thats better. now why did you run?

exactly 27. the turkey, so cute. makes it a lot less awkward if you turn your nerviousness, into something cute and funny. lol. (:

Yo imma let you finish... but the squid is the best hand greet OF ALL TIME

yo imma let you finish but the squid is the best hand greet of all time!!

planbsponserme 2

where im from we call that a stick shift

Ahaha. I did not realize it is called a squid.

We call it an awkward turkey; the fist bump/high five combo.

nerdwithagun 0

It's okay bro, we all fail sometimes haha

I can't see this as an fml, i mean you made an honest mistake the only thing your suffering from is making yourself look stupid -_-

there's no more real worthy fml anymore smh

66- not being a grammar nazi, but, tetras you're sentence. "Love YOU ARE picture." There's a difference between your and you're... -.-

Maybe you should re-read YOUR sentence :)

I did it on purpose so he/she can realize the mistake that he/she made.

You purposely treated "you're" and "your" as though interchangeable in saying "you're sentence" in order to correct someone else's mistake? I'd think that would make it more confusing, but each to his/her own, I suppose. Oh, and one more thing: COMMA SPLICES. That is all.

Okay. I don't care if it confuses whoever I said it to. I'm sure he'll/she'll realize it without getting confused, lol. Oh well, it happened.

deafeningsilence 8

72- You're a terrible grammar Nazi.

Yeah, of course... that's why I said that I wasn't trying to be a grammar nazi. -_-

deafeningsilence 8

I'll stop, because I'm not trying to be one. ;-[ Why do you care anyways? If I try or don't try. Just wondering.

Mewzakuro240 0

If anyone on this site is a new Grammar Nazi, it would probably be me. *Nods, nods*

Draminicaus 0

Rule number one for grammar Nazis: Don't write like that guy. ^

Mewzakuro240 0

Who? I believe I have said this before: Specify your audience.

I'm a girl and I wasn't gonna choose the choice of being a grammar Nazi because I fail too.

hey manv gramer nazis, they are anoiying. pls stop correcting poeple if u can't tipe you self!!!!!!!

Zoesbiggestfan 0
CaptainDixon 0