Black Friday PTSD

By Dontgetpaidenough - 27/11/2022 10:00

Today, a customer attempted to buy 5 mini blenders from our Black Friday sale. Our policy is a max of 2 per customer. When I pointed this out, the customer had a meltdown, spat on me, and stormed off. I have to get up tomorrow at the buttcrack of dawn to deal with shit like this again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 992
You deserved it 97

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I will borrow the expression "at the buttcrack of dawn".

You are correct about the store policy. But the poor employee is not in a position to set that policy and they deserve our sympathy.


If only you didn't price-gouge consumers for mini blenders the other 364 days a year, that customer could have built their hoard gradually. It's your fault for creating a stampede by charging a fair price for a single day.

You are correct about the store policy. But the poor employee is not in a position to set that policy and they deserve our sympathy.

You are essentially correct about the store policy. But it is not within this employee’s responsibility to set the store policy or pricing. The employee deserves our sympathy.

I will borrow the expression "at the buttcrack of dawn".