By H-B - 28/04/2009 08:53 - United States

Today, I went out with a girl who I really love. We arrived to her house and before she got out of the car, I attempted to kiss her as planned. Still drunk, I grabbed her head and twisted it when I kissed her. She's now wearing a neck brace. Real smooth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 600
You deserved it 88 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You deserve it, you drove drunk, and put a girl in a neck brace, I hope you never get laid.

this fml makes you sound like a rapist


YDI, never do anything drunk. NEVER! Especially with a woman that you love.

MrBond007_fml 6

I say ydi because you loved a woman, thatcan never end well

MrBond007_fml 6

I feel like I should elaborate, love makes you do stupid things

1. Bad idea to ever get drunk on a first date 2. Why were you driving if u were tht drunk....

What the Hell OP, you're lucky if she even speaks to you again...

gree_fml 11

He'd be lucky if she's ever able to turn her neck again...

this fml makes you sound like a rapist

sexynerdsquad 2

You deserve it, you drove drunk, and put a girl in a neck brace, I hope you never get laid.

arstef90 5

how drunk were you? that's a TERRIBLE idea!1

kspy 0

when is twisting someone's head EVER a good idea? YDI idiot.

Tigertnt 0

hahaha hopefully it doesn't sound like it was a flawless victory :-p

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imperfections55 1

Wow, so you dont love your mother? Or how about your best friend? Love is an emotion there is no rule book about when it can be applied.

I loved my boyfriend before we started dating. 3 years later I still feel the same

oh god hope she was drunk too so it didnt hurt her as much :-p nice you still have a gf after that?!!

#2 Why is everything a guy does to surprise a woman rape these days? * pushed my gf in a hot make out session against the wall to imitate the movie scenes. - THAT'S RAPE CALL THE COPS!!!!!!!!! * Did some domination sex and knocked out my gf - THAT'S RAPE CALL THE COPS!!! The 2nd one I never read here, but jeez lay off with the rape accusations. Especially as something as normal as a surprise kiss on a date.....

It had to be done... Today, I went out with a guy who I really love. We arrived at my house and before I got out of the car, he attempted to kiss me. Still drunk, he grabbed my head and twisted it when he kissed me. I'm now wearing a neck brace. Real smooth. FML Yeah, that's definitely a F Her Life.