By 11lyss1 - 23/05/2011 04:26

Today, I opened my new clothing store. My only customer was my mom and the only reason she came in was to tell me that someone stole my sign. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 894
You deserved it 3 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SlyTail 5

Buisness will get better. Soon your whole family will come in!

All new businesses start slow, I hope the best for your store. just keep a good attitude and this should work out. people will come and buy stuff if not only to talk with you.


I once opened a clothing shop with Britney Spears, we had to close because people kept complaining that we didn't sell underwear.

Oohgaloof 0

Sad? Someone else's misery is anothers happyness. What are you trying to prove? You got feelings, is it? Fkin noob.

no need to feel sad it's the first day business will get better! you just need to work on your marketing.

irishchick7848 0

someone needs to learn how to spell

saaaalt 4

its new. what did you expect? Your costumers will gradually increase.

14 you're terrible and pathetic in every way possible

16... Pleeaase! Get off FML no one even likes you, honestly have you noticed how no one replies to you? This is for your own good get off FML or stop with the comments. Sorry, I know i sound like an ass but your driving me ******* crazy

Well someones have a case of the Monday's.... cough57cough

@Anyoniemous: If some online stranger is driving you crazy, that might be a sign to take a break and go for a nice walk in the park. Roast s'mores and sing Kumbaya or something. There's no need to be offensive.

theodore214 0
SlyTail 5

Buisness will get better. Soon your whole family will come in!

advertising, thats what op's shop's missing thing

I'm a cat, a mad mad cat, if you'll just follow me, I will show you my rat

All new businesses start slow, I hope the best for your store. just keep a good attitude and this should work out. people will come and buy stuff if not only to talk with you.

ok true true it's only ur first day!

She probably had no customers because her sign was stolen. OP you can do it. It'll come

I believe that one day nobody will be a useless prick and steal a freaking sign...

Maybe they wanted to open their own clothing store. Maybe they had their sign stolen. Maybe that's why OP had no customers.

sourgirl101 28

Not having a sign up explains why you didn't have any customers. Where's this store? I love grand openings!(:

is it creepy that I read your comment, then agreed, then looked at your profile? anyway. i appreciate people who take the time to spell things correctly.

Randuhh_17 4

Get your friends to start coming in...people will see, and start to get curious..

Business is always slow at the start. Just wait it out. ;)

egamage 0

Yeah just be patient, the store will get more popular as time goes by ^^