By Anon - 30/01/2009 11:39 - Canada

Today, I was on a date with this girl. I attempted to put my arm around her, but I elbowed her in the face instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 339
You deserved it 7 439

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dude I've tripped and squashed her boob. It's all good you can at the least apologize and hug her

My boyfriend's done that to me a bunch of times. But then, my boyfriend only has one eye and no depth perception....


My boyfriend's done that to me a bunch of times. But then, my boyfriend only has one eye and no depth perception....

voguegirl4 0

haha my ex bf did that once, dont worry its not why we broke up

Well if that comment isn't reassuring then I don't know what is.

ashleyloller 0

That's happened to me before! I was the elbow-ee.

Dude I've tripped and squashed her boob. It's all good you can at the least apologize and hug her

I accidentally punched the girl I'm seeing in the face. Luckily she didn't judge me for it. :P

bullshit123 0

"today the guy i was on a date with elbowed me in the face to i put my black belt into action and f****d him up FHL for being a loser with no cordination"

aww, how err, romantic :) dude that is funny though

Haha that's such an innocent fail, I bet she found it funny afterwards. Unless you wrote an FML about it cos she flipped out and told all her friends you're a woman beater...