By Kaboom - 21/04/2009 12:52 - Canada

Today, I went out for a smoke break. A homeless person walks up to me and asks for a cig. As I pull out my pack he says "Oh... Menthols... no I don't smoke that cheap shit". I was called cheap by a hobo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 663
You deserved it 19 664

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha! thats hilarious! btw, i smoke menthols too, i like the way they clear my nose.


buctastic 0

Fine. But I'm pretty sure something else will get me first.

That actually might be better than lung cancer... I heard its not nice at all.

#111 and #112. that's my point just because you are gay does not mean you will get AIDS. First of all, AIDS develops after being HIV+ and having your tcells drop to a certain point. Secondly, regardless of what some have said on here, I have never said that smokers will die of cancer. So I was speaking for myself. If you've ever taken a deductive logic course before my point would have been clear you cannot compare the smoker to cancer comparison to the gay men to AIDS comparison.

because being a smoker is referring to an action....smoking which is a risk factor for smoking. and being a gay man is not a risk factor for AIDS, the act that some gay men take of having unsafe sex is the risk factor. all smokers smoke. not all gay men have risky unsafe sex.

stephdur 0

I smoked 27's for 3 years and then switched to Smooths, just becuase they are a menthal doesn't make them any cheaper. The homeless man must not have known this, seeing as though it has probably been a couple years sense he has bought a pack...

and by risk factor for smoking I meant lung cancer. (stupid typos)

...and you care what a hobo thinks about you because....?

ssyyyykke 0

hahahahahaha. i agree with # 94.

wow anyone else noticed that lately all everyone does is whine? "Today I thought I was all cool smoking my cigs, but instead a vagrant comes up to me and owns my life. Waa waa."

If you need to smoke, why they hell would you care if it was menthol ornot? jeez