By Kaboom - 21/04/2009 12:52 - Canada

Today, I went out for a smoke break. A homeless person walks up to me and asks for a cig. As I pull out my pack he says "Oh... Menthols... no I don't smoke that cheap shit". I was called cheap by a hobo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 663
You deserved it 19 664

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha! thats hilarious! btw, i smoke menthols too, i like the way they clear my nose.


XDNLxtlz99 0

You polute our earth. lol, jk. Everything polutes the earth, everything causes cancer. Do i approve of the fact that people smoke? No. Is there jack shit i can do about it? Not really.

Ok, so I was in Atlanta a few years ago and a bum asked me for a smoke. I had about half a pack and had my lighter in the box. I pulled out the one cig, went to hand it to him, he grabbed the pack and took off. Sometimes being a smoker sucks.

i know i'm late but #43 made a good point, there are soo many other carciogens in your life to be afraid or pissed off about the only reason you pick on smokers is that you can only hate what you've been raised to.

ILoveJace01 0

Lol wow. Beggars can't be choosers. Oh well. One more for you! =)

roundyswater 0

You can't tell me I have the same risk of getting cancer eating Pot Noodles and Chips every day that I would if I smoked every day. So don't compare the two.

if he wanted a cig he shouldnt be so picky about what kind and should really think about it when he says something is cheap.

While it is a bit absurd for those to say a person "deserves to die" because of cancer, nonetheless smoking is quite frankly an absurd thing to do. First, one individual attempted to compare smoking's secondhand smoke to car emissions. However, this is absurd. Cars/transportation obviously provide a gigantic contribution in nearly all areas of life through transportation. Smoking, a "feel-good" that is NOT needed or essential as billions who don't smoke show that you don't need that and it can be achieved in thousands of ways not as detrimental. Additionally, car exhaust is LESS dangerous than cigarette smoke. "The key difference is that tobacco, being a biological product, contains much more nitrogen than does crude or refined petroleum, in which nitrogen is rare. Thus, tobacco and tobacco smoke contain several classes of nitrogen containing chemicals that are not present in petroleum fuels and their exhausts." [] Furthermore, vehicle have filters that limit exhaust: these limit car exhaust by 80% ( Cigarettes have nothing near this, if they even have so-called "filters" at all. Second, smoke-advocates ridiculously claim that individuals should just "avoid" smokers. Unfortunately for them, there exists no such thing as the magic smoke-beacon; in crowds, sidewalks, etc. it's seriously ludicrous to believe one can avoid smokers. By the time you smell it, it's too late.

You can't tell me I have the same risk of getting cancer eating Pot Noodles and Chips every day that I would if I smoked every day. So don't compare the two. What's the difference? My Grandad smoked right up until he died at 79 and never got any smoking related disease so be quiet.

@#141: Moar power to ya. Do as all a favor and keep smoking/start smoking. Natural selection~