By Kaboom - 21/04/2009 12:52 - Canada

Today, I went out for a smoke break. A homeless person walks up to me and asks for a cig. As I pull out my pack he says "Oh... Menthols... no I don't smoke that cheap shit". I was called cheap by a hobo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 663
You deserved it 19 664

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha! thats hilarious! btw, i smoke menthols too, i like the way they clear my nose.


First off, smoking will kill you. First hand (smoking it) Second hand (being near it) and THIRD HAND! yeah, theres a third hand. It is when the particles from the smoke latch onto clothing and furniture. If ussualy dosent affect adults but it KILLS infants and babies and kids. So if you smoke in your car with your child in it, your child will always being inhaling fuems from that car everytime they go in, even if you stop. And everyone saying us non smokers are babies becasue we are smart and dont wanna die, you are the ones crying and screaming at us. I just hate people throwing their life away. They say if a smoker saved their money they didnt spend on smoking in one year, they could by a Porshe (sorry, forget where i found) i hope all you go to a helping center to quit because it is easy to say "i can quit", but in reality, its almsot impossible (ALMOST!) Lastly, ENJOY YOUR CANCER!

piderman13 0

Smokers are not people. Neither are Hobos. I'll sit on my "high-horse" all I want. I'm not going to get lung cancer because of Smokers choosing to kill themselves, and affect everyone nearby. Enjoy your cancer!

#82 There's a flaw in your argument. People saying you are more likely to die or get lung cancer if you smoke are not anywhere close then telling a gay man he's probably going to die of AIDS. Being gay does not increase your chances of becoming HIV+, unprotected sex, sharing needles, etc do. And statistically gay men in the United States are the highest transmission case but only by 4,000 cases, right after that is heterosexual behavior. And when looking at the world statistics, it's actually African females who have the highest rate of transmission. But the main difference is that in your ignorant comparison A (being a gay man) does not increase B (contracting HIV) it's an action (unsafe sex or unsafe drug use). Where as the non smokers in this chain are saying A (someone who smokes) has a higher chance of B (getting lung cancer). And I'm going to guess that A (you) have a higher chance at continuing to make B (stupid arguments).

Jessyca_fml 0

:P LoL well the good part of the story is that you got to keep your cig and not have to hand a bum a cig. :)

ohhhhshizzz 0

#100: you are an idiot, seriously. Cigarettes are filtered? If they were then why would they give you cancer? Have you ever heard of someone dying from smoking weed? NO. And you can get high off of weed second hand, but you can't die from it. #103: I have honestly lived with smoking my whole LIFE, and well obviously I'm not dead:) but where did you hear/read that?

Smokers are even more likely than gays to get AIDs anyways, since they are morons you know.... Enjoy your cancer AND future AIDs. rage moar plzthxbai @#103: Dont worry, it'll happen... but even more importantly: be sure to write a FML when it does =o

buctastic 0

#106 I understand what you're saying. But heres the difference, people aren't saying "you're probably gonna get cancer", they're saying smokers ARE going to get cancer. So with that aspect of it, is my argument really that stupid? I didn't say you might get AIDS because you're gay. I said you will get it. Just like I've been told like 20 times on this comment page today that i WILL get cancer.

@#106: If you keep doing it, you will, unless something else kills you first. Fact Sorry.