By Kaboom - 21/04/2009 12:52 - Canada

Today, I went out for a smoke break. A homeless person walks up to me and asks for a cig. As I pull out my pack he says "Oh... Menthols... no I don't smoke that cheap shit". I was called cheap by a hobo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 663
You deserved it 19 664

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha! thats hilarious! btw, i smoke menthols too, i like the way they clear my nose.


rakhil11 7

ok i personally have grown up with ppl who smoke, i do not smoke, idc if they smoke or not, i actually think the smell of cigarettes is associated with safety in my mind (idk y) and wow lol some hobo. beggars can't b choosers ^^

yer_mom92 0

Jesus christ! when did this FML become the center for smokers vs non-smokers arugements ?! when you comment these you are supposed to say something about the FML not dive into arugments about how horrible smoking is for you with people you have probably never met! if you think smoking is horrible for people and no one should do it, go talk to people you KNOW who smoke and talk to them about quiting. and all you smokers, go whine about how annoying non-smokers are to people who give a shit. I really dont think the OP posted this to get over 100 comments from pissy people with strong opinions. Join a debate team if you wanna argue, and get off of here. Really funny FML though.

um, menthols are the same price as non menthol cigarettes, so what the **** is that homeless guy talking about.

chainysgirl124 0

The hobo probably knows what is cheap or not.

roundyswater 0

141, just because one person you knew didn't get cancer from smoking doesn't mean that there isn't an increased risk. The risk is an accepted scientific fact. Please, take a logic course.

well you shouldent be smoking in the first place

well some "cheaper" cigs can bother some people, but stupid hobo should just take what he can get. after all, beggars cant be choosers. well, i guess he was.