By me - 04/08/2012 19:14 - Canada - Debert

Today, I was teaching my daughter how to ride a bike with no training wheels. After comforting her and assuring her that she'd be fine, I gave her a big push. She fell forward over the handlebars and scraped her chin on the front wheel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 189
You deserved it 26 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't think she's gona let you teach her again

Mikeskinner 7

Dear god, don't worry OP! It was an accident and you both learned from it, don't worry! I'm sure you haven't scarred her! (:


Mikeskinner 7

Dear god, don't worry OP! It was an accident and you both learned from it, don't worry! I'm sure you haven't scarred her! (:

Dude,she'll never trust her mom again, she just shoved her over the handle bars, idk why she pushed that hard...

Actually I was under the impression that it's a dad. It's impossible to tell though, other than 'hunches'. That sounds pretty bad though. The child wouldn't have gotten hurt if the parent (OP) hadn't pushed her wrong/too hard, so scarring her might be exactly what happened. She might never trust OP the same way again. :(

Well I can ride a bike with no handle bars!

RobinKCS 9

My parents always started off by balancing me while I rode by holding the back of my seat. Only when I was good with that did they give me a starting push and that was only by pushing against the seat, not me.

wouldn't this be a better FML for the kid? I understand that OP feels bad, but I bet the kid felt worse

25 - no handlebars by flobot reference?

What you do is assure them that they may get some minor booboos and not to worry about them since it happens to everyone, so they can not be afraid.

Fatalally 4

25 - That's the first thing that came to mind when I read this FML. Lol

Yeah, but it takes skill to scrape your chin on the front tire of the bike you just fell off of.

I don't think she's gona let you teach her again

reallytho3 11

Poor kids gonna be scarred for life... Possibly litterally

pillowsarecomfy 2

Probably should have started off with a little push rather than a big one

Smart people push the bike and not the rider.

Zoh_Aubrey 8

OP, you should've held the bike and trotted with her to keep her balanced THEN let her go.

Psych101 9

Luckily for OP, children have a memory span of less than a minute, so she won't forever associate OP with pain! Wait, that's goldfish with the bad memory...

Psych101 9

Luckily for OP, children have a memory span of less than a minute, so she won't forever associate OP with pain! Wait, that's goldfish with the bad memory...

Aug1508 9

She didn't mean to hurt her kid. It was an accident.

Never push a kid that can't ride a bike!

83 is probably right. You usually hold the bike for a little while and keep holding it while the kid is biking then without telling you let go and they keep biking without even knowing they did it on their own! That's how I learned, anyway :P But yeah, it was an accident! Not the best way of doing it, but OP sure did not mean to hurt their child!

Slender_Man 6

83- **** that. I flip bikes

ali671 1

Isn't this more for her to say fml

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Well if she's just now learning how to ride without training wheels, she's probably not old enough for this site.

ali671 1

Well I was referring to it being more of her misfortune than her parent's

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Don't worry Op. It's her first time trying to ride a bike without training wheels. Give her some time. But YDI for giving her a huge push like that. Way to go.

And this is where kids begin to lose confidence in their parents. Way to go op

Aww, it was an accident. I'm sure she wont hold it against the OP forever. At least I hope not..

Perhaps next time you should just give her a gentle nudge?..

Akumie 6

It's okay, accidents happen.^^ maybe you pushed her a bit to hard though? |D I'm sure she's okay though. c: Probably a bit scared, though. She might need a bit more time before she gets back on.

Jeez man, did you push her like you'd push her on the swings?

DerpyStephhx 5

You could've guided her along and not just started with a big push. If she's really little it might take her a while to balance out without the training wheels. YDI.