By fuckingbeliebers - 04/08/2012 17:15 - United States - Gorham
Same thing different taste
Morrissey, circa 1986
By Super Soaker - 09/09/2022 03:30 - United States
By Anonymous - 28/04/2013 03:16 - United States - Atlanta
By embaressed - 27/01/2009 17:33 - Canada
By Anonymous - 08/07/2012 21:13 - France
Don't do this
By storksleuth - 04/10/2011 08:57 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/09/2013 22:35 - United States - Cypress
Bismillah no!
By Anonymous - 27/01/2021 17:06
By Anonymous - 19/04/2012 14:14 - Ireland - Dublin
By Anonymous - 11/04/2009 08:07 - Canada
Too realistic
By ThatLove - 05/04/2023 18:00 - Switzerland - Worb
Top comments
I'm still a kid and I like queen. Just because some people my age don't know what good music is doesn't mean we all don't
Thats an easy question! Pshh Bloody Mary.
Today, I was discussing music with my friend when she asked me who my favorite Queen was. Without thinking, I replied that it would be really stupid to have a favorite British queen. Two seconds later, I realised how retarded I am. FML
Edit: gah things are not going my way today
*Insert facepalm here*
That will be the day when the trash that's on the radio will be part the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
I am going to raise my kids the proper way... Listening to the Hair Bands of the 80's
Music can be a personal choice. What stirs me may not give you the same feelings. Ex: I'm an "Iron Maiden" fan but can't stand "AC/DC". I have been criticized and called crazy for both reasons. **I don't understand why some want to cookie cut everyone into liking the same music etc... To each their own.
See my guitar in my profile picture? Proof not everyone in my generation is a musical retard.
It's cause they don't give a crap all they want to do is rap out a stupid song that they think they know the words too instead of listening to the music that started it all the good music like Queen, Aerosmith, Cheep Trick, Tesla, Firehouse and sooooooooooo much more it's sad to think that some teens and kids don't know good music. My pic I'm going to see Aerosmith in concert music is my thing my dad got me into this music when I was like 12
CCR oh yeah
Just because someone from a different generation then you doesn't mean they have horrid taste in music, yeah we get it bieber is a fag he sucks that's not real music. But not all of us should love the same bands. I'm 19 I'll listen to almost any genre of music and find good songs. I mostly listen to rap, but was raised country on my farm.
Oh my gosh; you listen to classic rock bands, so what? Get over it. Your taste in music doesn't make you better than anyone else, and this is coming from someone who likes Queen and other older music as well as modern stuff (with the exception of pop; not my cup of tea.) "Kids these days" is such a bullshit phrase. "Different from how you did it" doesn't necessarily mean "bad," you just happen to dislike it- and that's all right until you decide to bash on other peoples' tastes. And don't use rap as an example of modern music; it's been around for ages and can be really good if the rapper is actually passionate about music and not fame.
Fran'z, you're my hero. Music is music. No specific tastes are truly "better" than any, it all depends on your taste preferences. I hate seeing people bashing on others music preferences.. When it comes down to it, all that matters is if you personally enjoy it or not. Age, sound, culture, lyrics, band, fans, instruments, voice, etc. you should NEVER hate on what someone enjoys unless it is harming you or anyone else in some way, simply out of common courtesy.. Personally I listen to jazz, oldies, hardstyle, r&b, chillwave, metal, rap, classical, new age, tribal, Spanish, etc. and I love and respect ALL of them including the genres I hate. It's pure common sense.
Says the guy with eminem as a picture
No one can call a certain type of music bad because it's all personal opinion. Just like I can like anchovies on my pizza but a lot of you probably don't. Stop talking about how music today is shit and just listen and enjoy the music you do like.
I hate my generation and their taste of music. The other day i was wearing a Beatles shirt while singing one of their songs. Someone asked me who they were. When I told her they were an English band who was one of the best bands in the 60's and 70's, she then replied "Oh just like One Direction!" -_-
I know classic bands but I can't say I enjoy hearing Queen other than a couple songs.
You mean there's more people than the "so close"/ "YES!" guy?
48, why would it ever be rock and roll is rock and roll things that are mainstream don't magically become rock and roll
Ah, so they were talking about "music"
you only get in the HOF if you acheive longevity and greatness. None of the pop bands are going to do this because the general music buying public have the attention spans of goldfish and only invest emotionally with artists if they do something controversial outside of music or have a particular stance on whatever. When music was just music, i.e. Queen was just four guys strutting about a stage, and very little was seen or heard about them outside of the music (admittedly the AIDS campaigning took off towards the end) they had a mystique (to be fair i think there are still members of John Deacon's family that havent heard him speak), they had some kind of attraction that is difficult to put in print. Bands/artists do not have this any more. Certainly not in pop music anyway. Except for Lovechild (facebook/lovechildrocks), but that's my band, you wont have heard of them coz they are too cool for all of you (reverse psychology? Moi?)
Did no one read my comment? Why are you still comparing music decades? No one can win this battle its impossible, so there's no need for this senseless bickering
I'm just a poor boy from a poor family, (he's just a poor boy from a poor family! Save him from this monstrosity!)
The kid that grew up with CCR is a "Fortunate Son" indeed!
I agree, I'm not going to lie, but I like Nicki Minaj, LMFAO, One Direction, lots of the new stuff! BUT, I also like Queen, Blur, Metallica, Rammstein, Daft Punk and all that stuff! (I can't stand Taylor Swift, Justine Bieber, Kesha and Carly Rae Jepsen)
Thank you, Archduke Franz Ferdinand. To you Queen fans who think modern kids should know the music of generations past: who's your favorite big-band singer? Who's your favorite Romantic composer? And by the way, my favorite queen is Elizabeth I.
Romantic Composer: Frederic Chopin; Big Band Composer: Cab Calloway; Favourite Queen: Elizabeth II. Face!
I love Queen! :P lol Don't worry OP, You're not the only one :)
I love queens too, I can't believe the op's friend thinks they're only from Britain! There's so many of them, I think Queen Elizabeth the 13th was pretty hawt though...
4 that's kinda gross
I vote Freddy Mercury!
Queen is my favorite band!!! They're part of my username. And 0905 is Freddie Mercury's birthday. He's my favorite.
Well I really like queen too. My favorite song is bicycle. I can't stop singing it!
And Michael Jackson. Let's not forget the legend! I wish we could trade Justin for MJ.
Ugh...I'm so sorry, op...I hope you educate her about the wonder that is queen
I think you and your friend need to have a serious talk about good music, considering your username.
Everyone who thinks one direction is better than The Beatles needs to have a serious talk about good music
I feel sorry for my generation. Queen is one of the good bands I like to listen to.
This is a tricky situation It's just a simple fact of life It can happen to anyone. So have a queen listening party.
How is it a tricky situation?
I guess where to have the queen party. Really the comment is just some lyrics from a queen song.
Oh god. I can hear the music elitists marching in with guitar strings stuck up their asses. * ducks and covers for shit storm
What are you one of those lame ass people that listens to music that has one note to the whole damn song
Maybe, or maybe he likes more than 1 genre and doesn't like people who preach their favourite music as "real music".
What kind of question is 'who's your favorite member of Queen' anyway? Their personalities are irrelevant to the subject of good music.

It sucks kids these days don't know classic bands.
Nice username, I feel the same way. And Freddie Mercury had an awesome voice.