Business time

By Fourth Time Around - 18/01/2024 17:00 - United States

Today, my girlfriend’s brother FaceTimed her from Brazil to talk about his business. This wouldn’t be a big deal, but we were in the middle of our fourth reschedule attempt to celebrate my birthday. I was sitting naked next to her when she took the call, and she sees no problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 534
You deserved it 141

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have started jumping on the bed behind her.

BrizBurry 10

in most countries nudity isn't something to hide or be embarrassed about, those countries also have stronger family bonds, I think this is a small ethnic gap you might have to come to terms with. seems an overlap like this might only be situational


You should have started jumping on the bed behind her.

gigamesh 5

sounds like she planned it that way if it's the fourth attempt

I think I know how you wanted to celebrate.. curse you, Facetime cockblock!

Nico97 3

you need to communicate and not seeth. let her know how you feel and how disrespectful she is acting. if she doesn’t take it well time to reevaluate the relationship. putting up with a lack of respect long term only leads to problems

BrizBurry 10

in most countries nudity isn't something to hide or be embarrassed about, those countries also have stronger family bonds, I think this is a small ethnic gap you might have to come to terms with. seems an overlap like this might only be situational