By ilovesocks - 20/01/2010 06:17 - United States

Today, I was hooking up with a guy I just met. Things were getting hot and heavy and he asked me if I had a condom. I said no, and to which he replied "that's okay, we can just use a sock" and pulled his sock off of his left foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 949
You deserved it 6 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

epoh_fml 0

that would have definitely irritated your ******.

xlossofmex 0

interesting birth control there.


This is the fakest FML I've read. Get a life. What benefit would he get by having sex? If there's a sock on your dick, it would probably feel the same as jerking it with a sock.

MakeupBurn 0

Hahahaha! No brains and all penis!

MiniatureMayhem 0

"Today, I was hooking up with a guy I just met." Automatic YDI.

You deserve it (though it sounds like a lie) for not being prepared .. don't 'hook up' if you're not going to be responsible about it.

xXPaigerzXx 0

haha wtf? sex fail right there.

Improvisation is what adds fun to sex

Bella910 0

wat the...ewww u can ew he's so effin disgusting I hope he was joking

@CallMeHush perfect comment. and let's not all call her a ***** night stands are usually with people you just met. just as much reason to call the guy a *****.