By Anonymous - 24/05/2013 07:18 - United States

Today, my piano teacher complimented my song, calling it great. I was proud and thanked him, then realized he was being sarcastic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 708
You deserved it 4 919

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have sarcastically said, "and you are just an awesome piano teacher!"

Everyone's a critic, honey. That's what happens in the artist world.


You seem a bit vague, that all people are untrustworthy or unworthy of people trust? You cannot possibly trust no-one.

I had another sentence but my phone froze and posted the first one only. By the time I noticed, it was too late to edit it. Stupid Android.

Everyone's a critic, honey. That's what happens in the artist world.

You should have sarcastically said, "and you are just an awesome piano teacher!"

Reply with your new song - say he inspired it... the new song can just be you screaming.

Oh, I was first? Perhaps I should scream out FIRST!!!!! like those other guys. Monkey see monkey do!

420Zombie 17

You should've replied, well you are sooo good at piano.

If he's teaching piano lessons then I'm pretty sure he is.

Can he be reported for being extremely RUDE and unhelpful?

"I Love You, You Love Me" does NOT qualify as a great song.

Won't you say you love me too, Doc? WON'T YOU SAY YOU LOVE ME TOO?!

With a great big hug AND A KISS FROM ME T..... Whoa. Shit just turned uhmm homoerotic? Is that a more sociably acceptable term? I was going to call it gay. But in that context, it just seems the immature and downright rude fodder of high school level mentalities.

Considering the fact that you're paying him for lessons, I'd think that he'd be a bit more nice. Weird.

Wizardo 33

H.I.V.E., Have you ever read the series?

ltaper11 20

Sometimes people just need to pay someone to walk behind them with a sarcasm sign. Happens to the best of us.