By ilovesocks - 20/01/2010 06:17 - United States

Today, I was hooking up with a guy I just met. Things were getting hot and heavy and he asked me if I had a condom. I said no, and to which he replied "that's okay, we can just use a sock" and pulled his sock off of his left foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 949
You deserved it 6 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

epoh_fml 0

that would have definitely irritated your ******.

xlossofmex 0

interesting birth control there.


georgelopez 0

well atleasy his dick will feel thicker and open your ****** a lil bit more :)

JasJR23 0

omgg.! ha dnt tell me u actually had sex with a sock on his... ****

JasJR23 0

dnt listen to these ppl... ur not easy .. maybe u were really just in the mood to f***!

And THATS just ONE of the many reason why he is having to stand in one nighters!!! I think YOU OP need to re consider why you too are having them as well! Unless they are fun? But then are STDs Pregnancy,fear and serial killers all that fun?? Its why I chose celibacy! Life is short enough!

nkklllll 4

please leave and stop trying to impress your beliefs upon other people. it's really goddam annoying

HE asked you for a condom? and if you're this easy why aren't you using birth control? ah whatever... not everyone is that responsible. and you hook up with a guy you just met. good thinking. and as for the sock... it's a perfect indicator that he's an idiot. that's your cue to put your legs together and walk away.