By ilovesocks - 20/01/2010 06:17 - United States

Today, I was hooking up with a guy I just met. Things were getting hot and heavy and he asked me if I had a condom. I said no, and to which he replied "that's okay, we can just use a sock" and pulled his sock off of his left foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 949
You deserved it 6 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

epoh_fml 0

that would have definitely irritated your ******.

xlossofmex 0

interesting birth control there.


waiiiiiit. if you're hooking up with a guy you just met then you've gotta be experienced. why didn't you have condoms of you were experienced?! YtotallyDI.

Don't worry, everyone, OP's name is Ilovesocks. Therefore, she loved being rammed by a a hard, veiny sock.

What is soo fun abt having sex with someone you just met?

ow the thought of how it would feel made me twitch.

he might be the funniest guy i ever heard of. ... if he was kidding.

logic718 0

can someone say athlete's crotch?

YDI. Obviously, the guy was kidding, trying to lighten the mood since there would be no sex. You are both easy, and likely deserve each other. Some suggestions: 1. Health check 2. Tubal ligation 3. Don't depend on others to come prepared