By ilovesocks - 20/01/2010 06:17 - United States

Today, I was hooking up with a guy I just met. Things were getting hot and heavy and he asked me if I had a condom. I said no, and to which he replied "that's okay, we can just use a sock" and pulled his sock off of his left foot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 949
You deserved it 6 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

epoh_fml 0

that would have definitely irritated your ******.

xlossofmex 0

interesting birth control there.


xlostwithoutu 0

This is fake as hell. You can tell when the OP name looks like that.

lrv2003 0

what does YDI and OP stand for??? lol. everyone uses those abreviations in their comments.

ydi-your doom imminent op-orgasmic penis

what do you get when you mix athlete's foot and a ******? now you got some funky shit going on down south.

To #60 .. You get an 'applicator tip' stuck .....

hunter989 0

@59- YDI means you deserved it. OP means, from what I've heard, original poster. All I know is that it refers to the individual who posted said FML. Also, @ Hush- nice song! It is now in my head for the next 5 hours. ;D I lol'd at this. sockondoms!!

whatever happened to waiting till you get married to have sex? I know that some people cannot do this, but seriously at least get to know the person first!